Exactly 52 seconds, it is the length of this video because we wish you so much more than good health for this new year !
2019 was a busy year
We delivered our last 2 buildings, welcomed 4 new tenants and helped 2 others to find a larger workspace better suited to their needs.
We finished the landscaping work, added a few parking spaces and set up a foodtruck space.
We also enlarged the fitness room and opened our event room for 100 people.
2020 will be just the same
We have planned to improve the esplanade for more comfort outside: tables, benches, protective veils, more flowers etc …
We will meet all our tenants to touch base with each of them, listen to their requests, their needs and present them the Welcome Pack : a document that brings together all the services of the site to facilitate the use of resources and the onboarding process.
We are also going to set up our Campus Forum: every 3 months a lunch where the tenants can present themselves so that everyone knows each other better. The opportunity also to organize a presentation of potential partners for our campus, to offer solutions that are interesting for everyone.
In short, a great and busy year ahead!